On the 20th of April we at Support 4 Sight held our first quiz night for 2023!
At our quiz nights we traditionally have food, either Fish & Chips or a Ploughman’s supper. Unfortunately, this time due to the rising costs of food, we decided to try not having food.
This meant that we could reduce the ticket price from £10 to £5, initially I thought this may have been a mistake as the ticket sales were very slow to start with, luckily enough we ended up with 32 people there.
On the night, we had six teams of either five or six people. Each tables had some crisps and sweeties for guests to nibble on. Our CEO Sharon and her daughter Ava ran our bar for us, and our usual quiz man hosted the night. The evening went very well with our volunteer Sarah Hubert’s team coming out victorious!
We held a raffle on the night and want to thank people generously donating prizes.
We raised around £210 on the night which we were pleased considering that we didn’t have quite the numbers we were hoping for.
I would like to thank our volunteers for their hard work and support in helping run the event.
If you would like to donate raffle prizes for our next event or join as a quiz team, our next Quiz Night is Friday 6th October. Contact Graham on 07949 676126 or graham@support4sight.org.uk
Graham Hawkes, Services Coordinator