Graham’s Story
This story remains as a testament to our friend and colleague Graham Hawkes, 05/02/1960 – 12/10/2023
Hello! My name is Graham Hawkes, I am 58 years old and have congenita Glaucoma. I was diagnosed shortly after starting infants school, as I couldn’t see the blackboard properly and I kept tripping over the chairs in the classroom. The school called my parents in and suggested that they take me to an optician for an eye test, I was diagnosed with Glaucoma.
Danny’s Story
In August 2014, Danny went into hospital for major spinal surgery, With the procedure quite serious he was nervous about various complications but he never expected that he would leave not being able to see ever again.
Laura’s Story
Laura Evans was an unstoppable woman, she had a great job as a swim teacher which was something she loved, 7 wonderful children she was bringing up even with one child suffering from ADHD and sight loss and another with autism and ADHD.
A day in the life of a Community support worker.
Today is Thursday it’s my Low Vision Clinic which is held at Princess Alexandra Hospital. It’s a great bit of work between Support 4 Sight and the NHS. I usually arrive at the hospital, get parked (always fun) and then go into the hospital to get set up for the clinic.