Support 4 Sight, in partnership with Bequeathed, is delighted to be able to offer you the chance to make your Will completely free of charge.

Man signing document

We all need an up-to-date will, but it’s one of those jobs many of us put off. With Bequeathed, you can get started straight away. Just go online any time that suits you and follow the simple steps to create a draft will. A member of staff from one of their partner legal firms will then advise you in a free 30-minute appointment, in person or over the phone.

Once your will is complete the firm will help you with getting it signed and witnessed and store it for you, also free of charge.

This service, is offered with accessibility in mind. Bequeathed has been working with RNIB to make sure this service is accessible for blind and partially sighted people.

If you need further legal advice, one of Bequeathed’s partner solicitors will give you a price for completing your Will by phone or face to face. However, 90% of all Wills through Bequeathed end up being completely free of charge.

How it works

  1. When you’re ready to start drafting your Will, visit, click “Start your Will online” to register and start the online interview.
  2. Go through the online interview, answering the questions on screen to create the draft of your Will.
  3. Arrange your free 30 minutes follow up appointment with a solicitor. Your advisor will explore your wants and needs and explain your options to finalise your Will.
  4. Once your Will is ready, simply download it and follow the instructions to sign it and have it witnessed.
  5. Bequeathed then keep a copy stored for you.