On Friday 20 January we spent the evening with the Saffron Walden Cubs to raise awareness of blindness.
The evening started with the Cubs introducing themselves and very enthusiastically telling us about one thing that had made them happy that week. This was followed by a couple of interactive activities.
The cubs had the opportunity to put on blindfolds and were split into two teams. Each team had to find an object in a bag only using their hands.
Dom, one of the saffron Walden Cubs leaders said: “I loved the way the Cubs warmed to you immediately and you engaged them by getting them to play games (a little competition is always healthy!)”
The Cubs also had the chance to try some ball activities using a tennis sound ball and passing it to each other using just their hearing.
Masuma Ali said: “It was wonderful to spend time raising awareness and addressing queries with such an enthusiastic young audience. Thank you to Saffron Walden Cubs for having us along.”
In addition to the practical elements the cubs were all able to try on the simulation spectacles and experience different eye conditions such as tunnel vision. One of the cubs said: “The glasses were cool as they gave a good perspective of what it would feel like to have sight loss.”
The evening was concluded with a Q&A, where the cubs asked some excellent questions such as how do you know when is it safe to cross the road?
Dom added: “I know the Cubs went away with an appreciation of what sight loss can feel like (from the glasses) but also how to best approach and assist those experiencing sight loss. All in all a brilliant evening!”
If you would like us to visit your youth group, school, business or community centre to carry out some fun and engaging awareness raising activities, please get in touch with our Community Fundraiser, Masuma by emailing info@support4sight.org.uk