December 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual general meeting (the AGM) of Support 4 Sight will be held
AT: Community Link, 1A Market Street, Saffron Walden, CB10 1HX
ON: 24 January 2023 from 11.45am-12.30pm
to transact the following business:
Resolution 1: To adopt / receive the Annual Report for Financial Year
ended 31 March 2022
Resolution 2: To re-elect Patricia Arnold as a Trustee of SUPPORT 4 SIGHT under 14.1 and 16 of the Constitution
Resolution 3: To re-elect Andrew Streeter as a Trustee of SUPPORT 4 SIGHT under 14.1 and 16 of the Constitution
Resolution 4: To amend paragraph 3 of the Constitution by adopting the following Objects:
Former Objects:
The Charity’s objects are the relief of persons with a visual impairment in Essex and surrounding areas and in particular:
(1) To give information, advice, guidance, and support to blind, partially sighted and deafblind people and those with acquired sight loss, their families and carers;
(2) To support people with sight loss with information about technology and equipment that enables them to meet their needs and to offer advice and assistance with the implementation of the new technology.
(3) To allow people with sight loss to visit our centres to gain information and support to meet their needs; and to visit people at home who are unable to travel to visit us.
(4) To offer services which enhance the quality of life and social involvement of people with sight loss.
Proposed simplification: (for reference: which was agreed at the last AGM 4.1.22)
The charity’s objects (the objects) are the relief of persons with a visual impairment in Essex and in particular, but not limited to:
1) give information, advice, guidance and support to blind and partially sighted and deafblind people, and their families and carers.
2) offer services which enhance the quality of life and social involvement of people with sight loss.
This Notice has been made available on the Charity’s website and may be accessed at:
You are invited to join staff and trustees from 11.30am.
Refreshments will be available
- Welcome
- Address from Cllr. James de Vries, Mayor of Saffron Walden
- Chair’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report including Resolution 1
- Re-election of Trustees, including Resolutions 2-3
- Special Resolution 4
- Any other business
- Close of Meeting