Chelmsford Coffee Morning
Age Concern
17 Cottage Place
10:00am – 2pm, £3 (lunch extra)
Social Media Excerpt
On Wednesday 9th August Support 4 Sight will play host to Belinda Kempster & Fran Foote at its Chelmsford coffee morning.
They are a mother and daughter from Essex, sharing songs and singing together.
All are welcome. Please call 01799 588897 if you would like to come as a modest lunch will be provided and expected numbers helps the sandwich makers.
Belinda began singing traditional songs in the 60s and has always preferred English country songs. Their family has a history of farming and working on the land, these songs come from the work and recreation of that way of life.
Belinda and her husband John met in a folk club and Fran grew up immersed in the local folk scene, learning songs from her parents from a very young age.
‘Uncle’ Ernie Austin was an agricultural engineer from north Essex. He lived and worked in a small village (Bentley) just outside Colchester and sang songs related to his work and recreation. Stuff you’d sing down the pub. He was recorded by Topic records in 1973 and appeared on their release ‘Flash Company’ in 1974.
They will be singing from a collection of Ernie’s songs from ‘Flash Company’, those taught to Belinda by Ernie and from private family recordings. Also included are personal favourites from Belinda’s repertoire.
For more information please contact Graham on 01245 933572