Support 4 Sight invites you to a Technology demo and discussion from Graeme Marden of Sight and Sound, Thursday, January 23rd 10.00 on Zoom.
Support 4 Sight as part of the award winning Rainbow Collaboration of small sight loss organisations are delighted to announce our next event on Thursday, January 23rd at 10.00 AM on Zoom.
We are delighted to have as our guest speaker Graeme Marden of Sight and Sound, who have the largest portfolio of assistive technology for people with sight loss in the country.
He will be able to update on the latest version of the We walk cane, also update us on the fantastic developments around wearable technology that his company are involved in. We will also have a general discussion with Graeme on any aspect of technology anyone wishes to talk about. We have the expertise in the meeting to discuss anything!!