Support 4 Sight invites you to a talk by Amy Pearman and Nina Chesworth from Visionary UK on Thursday, November 14th at 10.00 am.
We are delighted to announce that our guest speakers this week are Amy and Nina from Visionary UK.
Visionary UK are the national organisation that works on behalf of us, the smaller sight loss organisations. So if you are linked to a local sight loss charity and are reading this, you are a member of Visionary UK!
If you wonder where we get a lot of our ideas from, (including this Zoom meeting!!), it’s from other Visionary members like ourselves, sharing, networking and generally making sure people have the most up to date local sight loss organisation.
This sharing doesn’t just happen on its own, Amy, Nina and others at Visionary staff work tirelessly on our behalf. Come and hear what they have to offer us, be it education, events, campaigns, volunteering, technology, management, eye health and much more.
Find out how we all work together to support the sight loss community, and also give us your ideas as to how we can work even better together around the country
All welcome, tell your friends and family.