Sight Loss Councils have launched #CutItBack campaign to raise awareness of overgrown vegetation when navigating streets for Blind and Visually Impaired people. They are hoping to create positive change to prevent injuries and ensure independence of navigating the streets.

Follow the link to read more about the campaign.

path with trees either side
Justin’s Account of overgrown hedges following the #CutItBack campaign.
When having some mobility training around the village I was struggling to get around due to overgrown plants. There was holly, bramble and branches that were all dangerous and I was having to cross over the road and try to navigate around them.
I was shown this amazing app called Fix My Street.
You can highlight on the map where the problem is. It allows to say what disability you have and describe your difficulties. The report is sent to the nearest council and the problems were resolved in a timely fashion.
This app can be used to report things such as overgrown plants, litter and other obstacles blocking pathways such as dangerous paths and cars parked on the path.
This was really was a huge help!