Two hands holding cups of coffee

Support 4 Sight Socials by Zsuzsi Szabo

I hope many of you are enjoying the new found freedoms of meeting face-to-face now that lockdown has eased.


It has certainly been good to see people attending our coffee mornings as they open up across the region. If you have not come along already and would like to, please call Graham on 07949 676126


We aim to have all of these up and running in the following locations


Coffee Clubs (to be resumed in line with Covid guidelines)

  • Braintree: held on the second Wednesday of the month
  • Chelmsford: last Wednesday of the month
  • Epping: second Monday of the month
  • Great Dunmow: second Thursday of the month
  • Harlow: second Tuesday of the month
  • Saffron Walden: last Tuesday of the month
  • Witham: first Thursday of the month

If you would like to join us at any of our coffee mornings, please contact Graham Hawkes on 07949 676126 or


In preparation for the approaching winter months (as sure as Autumn follows Summer) I’d like to draw your attention to our virtual social groups which are held on Zoom, and are facilitated by me 😊.

These have provided a life-line during lockdown and now attract a regular and growing group of attendees.


We very much hope that you will be able to blend your Support 4 Sight social life by attending both face-to-face AND online events, and remain connected whatever the winter might bring.


Virtual Coffee Groups on Zoom (with assistance available to help you join via your smart phone, tablet, computer or telephone landline)

  • First Tuesday of the month – for Support 4 Sight participants only: various topics led by presenters
  • Second Thursday: Wellbeing Group – jointly with 6 sight loss charities across the country
  • Third Thursday of the month – Support 4 Sight participants only
  • Fourth Thursday: Tech Group – jointly with 6 sight loss charities

Please contact Zsuzsanna Szabo on 07950 945119 or email


The joining details for each of these meet-ups are the same: you, your friends and family are welcome to join these public events by clicking on the link below:
Zoom ID: 458 043 7872

For those without technology or the internet, you can join with your normal landline phone: dial 0203 481 5237 and when asked put in the Meeting ID: 458 043 7872

Please call us if you would like some guidance on how to use Zoom.

For further information, please email us on or call us on 01799 588 897.